How do I obtain a U.S. Citizenship?​

With the single exception of qualification to become President, the law does not distinguish among categories of citizens. Indeed, there is only one “class” of United States citizen – irrespective of how citizenship is acquired.


Once acquired, United States citizenship remains effective unless formally renounced or revoked due to fraud. The only conclusive evidence of United States citizenship is a valid, unexpired United States passport. This evidence may not be challenged other than through a passport revocation hearing, initiated by the United States Department of State.

U S Citizenship

Dual Nationality:

If a U.S. citizen takes an oath of allegiance to a foreign country, that individual will most likely lose his or her U.S. citizenship. Otherwise, a U.S. citizen may acquire or retain foreign citizenship.

Loss of Citizenship:

Citizenship may be lost if any of six conditions pertain, irrespective of whether the individual acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, through naturalization, or as a derivative beneficiary.

Citizenship issues encompass such things as citizenship at birth, citizenship acquired through parents, and naturalization.

Providing Immigration Solutions
for Over 40 Years

Citizenship acquired later

Many people acquire U.S. citizenship after they are born, but without having to go through the naturalization process.

File Locations

Applications for naturalization are filed at a USCIS lockbox facility.


When someone applies for U.S. citizenship, that process is known as naturalization.

Citizenship at Birth

Certain individuals are United States citizens from the time they are born.


An application for naturalization is made using form N-400

What we can do to assist you

While most citizenship matters can be handled without the assistance of counsel, some people still want legal representation.

Providing Immigration Solutions
for Over 40 Years

Citizenship acquired later

Many people acquire U.S. citizenship after they are born, but without having to go through the naturalization process.

File Locations

Applications for naturalization are filed at a USCIS lockbox facility.


When someone applies for U.S. citizenship, that process is known as naturalization.

Citizenship at Birth

Certain individuals are United States citizens from the time they are born.


An application for naturalization is made using form N-400

What we can do to assist you

While most citizenship matters can be handled without the assistance of counsel, some people still want legal representation.

Our attorneys & staff are always available for consultations.