GIP Employer Alert: Validity Periods of Certain EADs Updated to 2-Years 

Effective today, USCIS announced in a Policy Alert that it is updating the maximum validity period of EADs granted to certain applicants in the following categories: 

  • Admitted as a refugee (a)(3);  
  • Granted asylum (a)(5);  
  • Granted withholding of deportation or removal (a)(10); and  
  • VAWA self-petitioner (c)(31).  

Individuals in the aforementioned categories will now receive initial and renewal EADs granted for a 2-year period (as distinguished from the previous 1-year validity period).  

Additionally, USCIS confirmed that it will grant new and renewal EADs up to the end of the parole or deferred action period to applicants in the following categories:  

  • Paroled into the United States for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit (c)(11); and  
  • Granted deferred action (non-DACA) (c)(14).  

Therefore, new and renewed EADs issued for the impacted categories on or after Feb. 7, 2022 will reflect the updated 2-year validity periods. EADs issued before Feb. 7, 2022 are not impacted. USCIS will continue to issue replacement EADs with the same validity date as the original EAD. 

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